New trends in influencer marketing for 2021


Influencer Marketing is here to stay and it will undoubtedly be one of the protagonists of this year and of those to come. According to a study carried out by Direct Marketing, in 2021 “Influencer marketing will continue on the crest of the wave.” Even in some cases, it is proving to be much more profitable for brands than some traditional marketing methods.

Attentive to this, social networks have also updated their functionalities. Implementing some key changes to make their platforms more tempting places for influencers and companies.

Are you ready to know the new trends in Influencer Marketing for this year? Take note and get ahead of your competition!

Influencer Marketing in numbers

Despite the situation experienced during 2020 due to COVID-19, brands continued to trust influencers. This has led to the following conclusions:

● Throughout 2021, and taking into account the evolution of recent years, influencer marketing could grow up to $ 13.8 million.

● Since 2019, more than 240 agencies and platforms have appeared that unite brands and influencers.

● It is estimated that 75% of brands will dedicate a part of their budget to this strategy throughout 2021.

● Most brands use the same influencers in their different campaigns if the first one was effective.

● Brands often give away products or offer discounts to influencers for payment.

● The best way to measure the success of an influencer marketing campaign is through sales.

● TikTok has become one of the most popular social networks for this type of strategy.

● Finding people whose followers may be interested in a certain product or service is one of the main objectives of brands.

7 tendencias en marketing de influencers para este 2021

These are some of the most outstanding data in reference to what is forecasted for this 2021. These incredible figures demonstrate the potential of this industry and why you should bet on influencing strategies if you want to grow your company.

Influencer Marketing: 7 trends for 2021

1. From influencers to passionate about your brand

It’s no surprise to anyone that many influencers only promote brands in exchange for a reward, be it monetary or trade. And that’s justifiable, since it’s their job on social media.

However, there is a term that had been forgotten and is again gaining strength. It is nothing more and nothing less than Advocacy Marketing, also known as recommendation marketing. But this brings with it brand advocates or, as it is known in Spanish, brand ambassadors.

Why the change? User-generated content has been proven to generate greater engagement than posts with an advertising tone. People trust the recommendations or opinions of consumers (like them) more than influencers who are paid for mentions.

So think and work seriously on the idea of ​​incorporating Advocacy Marketing into your influencer marketing strategy, it is definitely a winning strategy for this year!

2. Diversity and inclusion to power!

When choosing an Influencer with whom you are possibly going to collaborate, you should take into account cultural and social diversity, as a leading element if you are looking for your message to reach all audiences.

The fact that the Influencer is aligned with the values ​​of the brand is essential to ensure that what they are transmitting to the public is consistent with the brand.


3. More authentic content

In 2020, both brands and influencers took a step back and left perfectly selected feeds to become a little more “real”, adding more value to content.

Thus, in the coming months, the vast majority of influencers will continue to work on creating connections and establishing deeper relationships with their followers, thus breaking with the perfect Influencer prototype and showing their true personalities. Having an influencer as an ally who is a good communicator of your brand and values ​​will be a strong addition. The new trend of influencer marketing is to create authentic content that keeps users engaged through Q&A sessions and showing the most real and human side of their lives.

4. Live broadcasts

The pandemic turned human relations upside down due to confinement and social distancing. But, without a doubt, social media platforms became that meeting space for friends and family, so companies and brands were not left behind.

The face-to-face events had to go virtual, and they did so through live broadcasts. This is an element that you should not neglect in your influencer marketing strategy. You can do it on different social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter or Tik Tok.

This is an excellent option to connect more closely with your audience and, in addition, it is really effective. This is because people feel part of the broadcast and have the opportunity to interact live with the influencers. This way they can solve doubts or, simply, comment something on the subject they are dealing with.


5. Short video format

Brief is exactly what attracts today’s consumers. They want to know the fair and necessary information. So the safe bet will continue to be short videos. In 2020 they have been very effective, so much so that digital platforms began to compete with each other due to this format.

When Instagram saw how successful Tik Tok was with its 15-second videos, it launched Reels. It seems like a short time, but if you know how to work it, it will be enough. Now, if you need more time, you have more options on the different social networks.

However, if you are going to run a campaign, it is recommended that you do not exceed 30 seconds. For a more complete content you have IGTV, YouTube and Facebook Watch. But remember that short videos will continue to trend.

6. Micro-influencers

A micro-influencer is one who has between 1,000 and 100,000 followers. Micro-influencers focus on a specific niche or area and are generally considered experts in that particular sector. They can bond even stronger with their followers than an influencer with a 500K account.

And of course … the good thing is that their rates are not that high and can be more affordable if you have a tight budget. These types of actions can pay off!


7. No filter

This year influencers are embracing the #nofilter trend and only subtly edit their photos to inspire more authenticity and spontaneity to the content they share on their accounts. Very beautiful and overly retouched images are no longer enough to connect with their followers. Special importance will also be given to captions in photos and calls to action (CTA) will take on special relevance when it comes to promoting engagement between the Influencer and followers.

Do you want to boost your brand with an influencer marketing campaign?

So, you are nowhere near making the best advertising campaigns with influencers come true!

At Cute Digital Media we have a large network of Latino influencers, each with different audience levels on the main social networks so that your brand reaches thousands of people.

We help you with the entire process of creating your campaigns. From the creative idea, the preparation of the profiles, the execution of the campaign, to the measurement of the impacts generated.

Our benefits for your brand?

· Increased interactions during and after the campaign.

· New consumers who identify with the personality of the brand

· Increase in followers.

· Positioning, remembrance and branding.

· Customer loyalty.

· Lead generation.

So now that you know who we are, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are ready to get you to reach your audience in a close and credible way through relevant influencers for your target.



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